Merino sheep are originally Spanish. The Australian Merino was developed in the early 1800s by John Macarthur from Spanish sheep (hence the name being Spanish). These are one of the stronger sheep types that can live in drought conditions and are prersent in Australia, USA and the middle East and thrive in drought conditions
As we all know livestock need feed. They need roughage and they need protein and thats where our systems from start to finish come in. We are setting up our main system in the Middle East - and plan to expand from there to stop the dependence of imported livestock from the likes of Australia which are inhuman to say the least. With our system animals will have ready made grass fodder with all the nutrients they need and the necessary protein to develop in under 1/2 the normal time. No wastage as we will show each buyer our system and how to utilize even the runoff for fertilizer for their stock.

The African cow lives in parched lands
with no lush GRASS FODDER
Brahman and European cattle thrive well at temperatures down to 8? F. whereas European cattle begin to suffer adversely as the air temperature goes above 70? F, showing an increase in body temperature and a decline in appetite and milk production as 75? F, is passed. Brahmans, on the other hand, show little effect from temperatures up to and above 105? F. Although heat tolerance is only one factor in environmental adaptation of cattle, it is considered the most important. Some of the other factors that allow Brahmans to adapt to adverse conditions are they are white so reflect the sunlight & the pigment of their skin is black which keeps the rays off, lighter flexible skin & less intense body organs to allow low levels of heat in summer. A great cow that many countries especially hotter countries adapt.
Red Brangus cattle are also hardy, disease resistance and unmatched maternal instincts of the Brahman breed with the superior carcass quality, fertility, maternal and milking ability of the Angus.Because of their ability to adapt to different environments, American Red Brangus not only are bred in the United States, but also have been exported to Columbia, Brazil, Mexico and Africa, among other countries.
Texas Longhorn cow will calve before the age of two, and will have a calf every year of her life, often until the age of twenty and beyond, doubling the calf production of every other breed. She never has trouble delivering a healthy calf, seldom needs veterinary attention, and isn’t depleted by parasites. She will wean a strong, fat calf that is sixty percent of her own weight in seven months no matter how severe the conditions, then breed back in thirty days. Cows calve every nine months and fifteen minutes.
Ankole-Watusi is a breed of cattle originally native to Africa. It has very large, distinctive horns, which can grow up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long. The animal is sometimes known as Ankole or Watusi. Ankole-Watusi have plays a role in the lives of various African tribes all over Africa. Ankoles are able to utilize poor quality forage and limited quantities of food and water. These survival abilities allow to survive the centuries in Africa and to become established in Europe, South America, Australia and North America.
In every country now the disasters are increasing and the lack of terrain and arable grasslands is beconing strained. The main sheep and livestock importers are seeking to buy more and the arable graslands are producing less and less as our world population keeps on expanding. Noone gives a hoot about this --- all or most that can afford are materialistic and they only want.

Dependency on grass feed is now priority as the price of stock goes up and feed costs get dearer. Grain harvests and alternate fuels gobble up many grains like corn, soya etc. With our systems you need very little water and the main ingredient and expense is the grain. It is quick, not labour consuming and can double quicker than normal in a fraction of the time grass grows normally. Stock are fed protein and roughage at the same time the best there is. The beauty about how we work is that we have construction materials on hand cheaper than any Western country and can make a system cheaper as well. Added to this our grain is slotted around the world for access and we evenown our own Shipping Company.

Meat goat breeds in South Africa are the Boer Goat, the Savanna goat and now the Kalahari-Red. The Kalahari Red is a very new breed in terms of recognition and it has now become a very important meat-producing breed in South Africa. South African and Namibian farmers have acquired and kept red Boer and Savanna goats but feeding them grass fodder is something else and they love it. But goats are grazers so you still have to feed them roughage.

Kalahari Reds have an even pigmentation and so they have a natural resistance to both sun and heat.
Some 226,000 live cattle went to Lebanon in 2002, whereas the entire number of cattle sent abroad from the Union was 262,000. The bulk of the cattle came from just three member states – France, Germany and Ireland. Export subsidies for the EU-Lebanon trade amounted to €52 million in that year.
Incoming member state Poland, which has 39 million people, is the second highest recipient country of live cattle from the EU – taking 12,000 cattle in 2002.